
What is the difference between Voog and VOOV?

VOO contains the most individual stocks, which means it offers more diversification than VOOG or VOOV. The dividend yields differ between the funds. As expected, the growth fund VOOG provides the smallest yield (1.42%) while the value fund VOOV provides the highest yield (2.43%).

Is VOOV a value stock?

Remember, VOOV + VOOG basically equals VOO. VOOV is Value stocks from the S&P 500. VOOG is Growth stocks from the S&P 500. While Growth has crushed Value for the decade 2010-2019, Value has still outperformed Growth historically, and Value has greater expected returns than Growth.

Is Voog a good investment?

Within the broad growth universe, VOOG certainly screens very highly, with an expense ratio of 0.10%, but do consider that this is still more than 3x higher than the VOO's corresponding figure. Also note that portfolio churn levels-whilst not on the higher side relative to the broad ETF universe- are 6x higher than VOO's corresponding figure.

Is voo a good ETF?

VOO is incidentally one of the largest ETFs in the market with a total AUM of $235bn; this shouldn't come as a great surprise as it offers the most cost-efficient route (a miserly expense ratio of only 0.03%) for those interested in pursuing a diversified basket of the 500 largest US stocks, as represented by the S&P500.

